Wednesday, March 23, 2011

modest is hottest so cover your landscape

When it comes to art, I like modern art. It's not something a lot of people "get" because it's "weird" and "complicated" and they just don't "get" it. Sometimes though, there isn't always anything to "get." Often time, art is about what you see, not just how you see it. It's kind of like those annoying optical illusions, but much more colorful and interesting. Enter famous husband-and-wife tag team, Christo and Jeanne-Claude. If you've ever seen the at&t commercial with the billowing fabric, you're already on your way to "getting" modern art.
The couple is internationally known for their site-specific, landscape-altering pieces. Their goal is not to stop you in your tracks and force you to decipher their obscure artistic motives, but rather to get you actually LOOK at what's around you. One of their most famous pieces involved surrounding 11 small, man-made island in the Biscayne Bay in Florida with thousands of feet of bright pink fabric. They've also wrapped trees, draped bridges, and installed flowing gates in NYC's central park. Their art is about getting viewers to notice whats around them. Do you really see those island or that bridge everyday? Or do you only notice it when it's different?

Taking a cue from the artist themselves, fashion should get you noticed. And in these saturated hues and standout cuts, you're guaranteed to catch an eye or two. So go ahead, wrap, drape and color yourself happy in this season's pretty shapes and sunny shades.

I hope by now you've got an idea of what I'm aiming for with this blog. I can't resist talking about art, but I'll have plenty of other tidbits for you as well. I hope this blog turns in to something of a chronicle of my endeavors in the college, art, design, writing and fashion world. I'm only 19, but everyone has to start somewhere. I love reading comments and scouting other blogs so please follow and comment if you're enjoying this. I know I sure am!


  1. thanks for stopping by my blog :)
    the pink island just fascinates me!
    this post was delightful to read, you write really well.

  2. I love modern art, and I can't agree more: there is nothing to get, just enjoy it!
